Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Christmas - Christ's official birthday - but when was he actually born?

Christmas is the time when we officially celebrate the birth of Christ, but it seems likely that this date was chosen to fit in with existing pagan celebrations around the winter solstice, rather than being an accurate record of his actual birthday.

Given the references to lambs in the fields at the time of his birth, Spring has been put forward as a possible alternative.

However, the latest astronomical findings point to a theory that Jesus may have been born in June.

Australian stargazer Dave Reneke used advanced computer software to calculate the position of planets in the night sky as they would have looked around 2,000 years ago.

A rare conjunction of Venus and Jupiter on June 17 in the year 2BC would have appeared as a spectacular beacon of light akin to a very bright star.

If this was the case, astrologically speaking, Christ would not be a Capricorn as was previously supposed, but a Gemini.

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