Tuesday 10 February 2009

Happy Birthday Darwin

The bicentenary of Charles Darwin's birth is being celebrated with a whole host of TV programmes, events and exibitions. (Including Big Idea, Big Exhibition at the Natural History Museum, and a new exhibition at his former home, Down House in Kent.)

The pioneer of the theories of natural selection and survival of the fittest was married to his first cousin Emma - so not averse to a bit of in-breeding.

His idea that man was descended from apes provoked huge controversy in Victorian times, and elicited this jokey couplet from Gilbert and Sullivan:

"Darwinian man, though well-behaved
At best is only a monkey shaved."

Fascinating Darwin fact: While travelling around the world on the HMS Beagle, Darwin tucked into his Christmas dinner, only to discover that he had inadvertently eaten a rare species of ostrich. Mortified, he sent the remains back to England, where museum officials subsequently named the bird "Rhea Darwinii" in his honour (oblivious to the fact that it had already been classified elsewhere under a different name.)

Birthday messages for Darwin can be posted at: www.darwin200.org


Ben Fairhall said...

I live very near Downe House. I hear that the current owners, still the family Darwin, want to sell the property to UNESCO to ensure its preservation 'for the nation.'

Something tells me that application might just be conveniently shelved- a little too controversial, even after 140 odd years.

2012 said...

I don't know about the family's involvement, my understanding is that the house is owned by English Heritage.

The house and its surroundings have been nominated as a World Heritage Site. The application is led by Bromley Council and supported by English Heritage. A decision will be made in the summer of 2010.

I believe that the bid has to be submitted to UNESCO which probably accounts for what you have heard on the grapevine.